Freitag, Mai 11, 2007

Whats happening if Alex starts to sell a car....

!!!Die Uebersetzung kommt bald nach!!!

Hey buddies,
actually, not just any car, it's my lovely little Mazda Bongo ;(. As the most of you probably already know, I've put Bongo on an auction at trademe.
I had a few people responding on that. There was one guy from Auckland to buy the car for $1200. At first I said no, but if I don't find anybody else who is willing to give more money, I would sell it to him.
When the auction was finished, it sopped at $1000, but anyway I still had the offer of that other guy. So I called him the same day, trademe finished with my auction.
He told me that he still wants to buy the car but for just $1000. I said alright, because I was or still am, a little bit desperate to sell the van. Anyway, when I met him, he had a good look at the car and told me then his offer of $600! At first I was shocked, but then I thought, at least the car is gone, even though Hannah and me have big feelings for that car ;).
So that guy gave me the six hundred bucks in cash and I felt sad about that...
I wanted to start the whole paperwork for changing the ownership as soon as possible, just to leave. There where two papers to fill out and that asshole (excuse my language) told me, he can't put in his real name or real address, because he still owns to the gouverment, bank or whatever still a hell lot of money. I already had a bad feeling, but when he started with that discussion I wasn't sure at all.
So I told him that I have to go away to check my emails. 15min later I came back and told him that I have a email with a offer of $2000 to buy my car. That offer is from a guy from Bombay (just south of AKL) who wants to meet me as soon as possible. I gave him back his $600 and left the area as quick as I could.
Between the time he gave me the $600 cash and doing the ownership thing, he showed me around at his house. Apparently it was a kind of office building with more bedrooms than actual people which were living there. He told me as well that the girlfriend of his dad is doing looked more like a place for the oldest business of the world!!! I felt so relieved, but exhausted, stressed out, nervous, sad, happy, afraid, etc. at the same time when I finally left that horrible place.
Now I'm back in the Bay of Islands with my car and try to sell it here. Thank you for the help of the people I called the same night, just to tell what has happened, who gave me advices and where just there!!!

P.S.: The translation follows soon ;)!